
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022

Amazing People

AMAZING PEOPLE Hi! My name is Itzel and today I will tell you about my favorite person. My mom is the person I admire the most, for her great achievements and for how smart she is, my mom is short, pretty enough, she has white skin, small brown eyes, thin lips, short black hair. She is nice, caring, and very smart. I admire my mother because when she was little she had to take care of her five siblings and do household activities like washing, cooking, sweeping, bathing her siblings and she also helped my grandmother with the vegetable business they had, when she was 15 years old, she had to go live in México City to continue her studies, and altough it was very dangerous for her to be alone, she worked and studied at the same time to take care of her cats and although her health worsened, she managed to finish her high school That is why I consider that she is capable enough to achieve what she sets out to do. My mother is a great woman, she always does things with care at home, she t

Eating Habits

EATING HABITS   Hi, my name is Itzel Vega, but i like to be called by my last name, i will talk about my eating habits. My eating habits have not been good, for example, my favorite food is fast food, as it is burgers, french fries, hot dog, pizza, burrito, onion rings, etc... I don´t like plain water and flavored water only with exceptions, my favorite drinks are those that contain a high level of sugar, for example Coca Cola, Santa Clara chocolate milk, i ced tea and different soft drinks, I can usually consume three liters of soda a day. My favorite snacks are cookies, bread, lemon pie, jello, fruit cocktail and chocolate cake. Currently, for health reasons, I started with a balance in my diet, so I established a routine, portions and times for my food, for example; In the morning I eat a piece of toasted bread, a glass of milk or a cup of coffee, a package of diet biscuits and an approximate portion of two hundred and fifty grams of almonds with blueberries. In the afternoons, from